
Your Missy♥...

SHE IS Miss Leong..
Name:Leong Kah Lin ' Albee...17
Half Thai and Half singaporean
Thai Name:Peraya Jarrune
Like me or Not I will still be me!!
So do like me or hate me!!
A 100% Bigbang Fans!!!
TOTALLY likes G-Dragon!!
-He is talented
-He sing very well
-He know how to write song
-He do know how to rap
-He dance very well
-He dare to do everythings that he think is good for him

槛菊愁烟兰泣露。罗幕轻寒,燕子双飞去。明月不谙离别苦,斜光到晓穿朱户。 昨夜西风凋碧树。独上高楼,望断天涯路。欲寄彩笺无尺素,山长水阔知何处?

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


Designer.: emotiioniel-x |
Image Host.: Photobucket
Inspiration.: ♥G-Dragon


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Sunday, February 7, 2010

I <3 G-Dragon!♥

Zhi xi , wei chiang, me and lala. ( love mine and lala back view)

Us again! jing yi took it again, haha. love her

Wei chiang, me and lala

Zhi xi talking to yu zhen? but look at yu zhen face like irritated
They 3 cant get into the water

Huifang back view! ( i love her back view, nice nice)

hehe! Me!! Jing yi say never took this picture de, but i grab this from her blog

My lala! so shuai lo! cool pi le
There are wei chiang, zhi xi, hui fang and lala

Me and lala, jingyi took it (:

This is how ytd outting, Went out with my friends : Lala, Huifang,yu zhen, jingyi, wei chiang and zhixi. Although starting was borring but end up fun day and i enjoy it alot. So much laughing , chit chatting with among of my friends. But didnt brought anything but just eat eat eat. haha. Firstly took long train to ION, the guys have something to buy over there. After that vivo, you know what? I saw the sentosa! its beautiful! When to eat and when back to jurong point guess what eat again! Then after eating buy mac for sis and home sweet home!

So this is where it ends

4:05 AM